1 GB/T20057-2006 滾動軸承單列圓柱滾子軸承平擋圈和套圈無擋邊端倒角尺寸 Rolling bearings ― Single-row cylindrical rollerbearings ― Chamferdimensions for loose rib and non-rib sides 2006-08-01實(shí)施
2 GB/T883-1986 錐銷鎖緊擋圈 Lock rings with cone pin 1987-06-01實(shí)施,代替GB 883-1976
3 GB/T884-1986 螺釘鎖緊擋圈 Lock ring with screw 1987-06-01實(shí)施,代替GB 884-1976
4 GB/T885-1986 帶鎖圈的螺釘鎖緊擋圈 Lock rings with screw and circlip 1987-06-01實(shí)施,代替GB 885-1976
5 GB/T886-1986 軸肩擋圈 Ringsfor shoulder 1987-06-01實(shí)施,代替GB 886-1976
6 GB/T891-1986 螺釘緊固軸端擋圈 Lock rings at the end of shaft with screw 1987-06-01實(shí)施,代替GB 891-1976
7 GB/T892-1986 螺栓緊固軸端擋圈 Lock rings at the end of shaft with bolt 1987-06-01實(shí)施,代替GB 892-1976
8 GB/T893.1-1986 孔用彈性擋圈 A型 Circlipsfor hole--Type A 1987-06-01實(shí)施,代替GB 893-1976
9 GB/T893.2-1986 孔用彈性擋圈 B型 Circlipsfor hole--Type B 1987-06-01實(shí)施
10 GB/T894.1-1986 軸用彈性擋圈 A型 Circlipsfor shaft--Type A 1987-06-01實(shí)施,代替GB 894-1976
11 GB/T894.2-1986 軸用彈性擋圈 B型 Circlipsfor shaft--Type B 1987-06-01實(shí)施
12 GB/T895.1-1986 孔用鋼絲擋圈 Roundwire snap rings for hole 1987-06-01實(shí)施,代替GB 895-1976
13 GB/T895.2-1986 軸用鋼絲擋圈 Roundwire snap rings for shaft 1987-06-01實(shí)施,代替GB 895-1976
14 GB/T896-1986 開口擋圈 “E” rings 1987-06-01實(shí)施,代替GB 896-1976
15 GB/T20060-2011 滾動軸承圓柱滾子軸承可分離斜擋圈外形尺寸 Rolling bearings -Cylindrical roller bearings,separate thrust collars - Boundary dimensions
16 GB/T959.1-1986 擋圈技術(shù)條件彈性擋圈 Specifications forring--Circlips 1987-06-01實(shí)施,代替GB 959-1976
17 GB/T959.2-1986 擋圈技術(shù)條件鋼絲擋圈 Specifications forring--Round wire snap rings 1987-06-01實(shí)施
18 GB/T959.3-1986 擋圈技術(shù)條件切制擋圈 Specifications forring--Cutting rings 1987-06-01實(shí)施
19 GB/T960-1986 夾緊擋圈 Griprings 1987-06-01實(shí)施,代替GB 960-1976
20 GB/T20057-2012 滾動軸承圓柱滾子軸承平擋圈和套圈無擋邊端倒角尺寸 Rolling bearings -Single-row cylindrical roller bearings - Chamfer dimensions for loose rib andnon-rib sides 2012年第24號公告
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